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NeXT Customers Now Able to Deploy on Windows NT, Solaris and other UNIX platforms.

Redwood City, Calif.- June 25, 1996 - NeXT Software, a leading producer of application development environments for the Internet and Enterprise, announced today that the company has completed its OPENSTEP initiative, delivering on its promise to "open" NEXTSTEP, its industry leading object-oriented application development environment. OPENSTEP is used to quickly develop and deploy dynamic multi-tier applications across diverse operating systems. Customers can now upgrade their NEXTSTEP development environments to OPENSTEP and will be able to deploy their applications on their platform of choice - including Windows NT, Solaris, HP/UX, DEC UNIX, and Mach. OPENSTEP enables developers to produce dynamic, scaleable, multi-tier applications that integrate with legacy systems and adapt to business changes with ease.

"OPENSTEP enables customers to quickly satisfy their changing business needs and overcome IS integration challenges " says David Butler, Director Product Marketing. " Migrating from NEXTSTEP to OPENSTEP is a natural transition for our customers who want to continue using NEXTSTEP's proven, object-oriented application development tools, but have end-users that require deployment on Windows NT. With OPENSTEP, NeXT is delivering on its promise to support Windows development and deployment."


In November 1993, NeXT committed to "open" NEXTSTEP and publish OPENSTEP in conjunction with Sun Microsystems. OPENSTEP is an API to an object layer based on NeXT's advanced object technology. OPENSTEP-compliant environments provide a distributed, object-oriented application environment, allowing business objects and applications that use the OPENSTEP APIs to be ported across multiple platforms regardless of the underlying operating system.

Different Flavors of OPENSTEP

OPENSTEP Developer 4.0 for Mach, OPENSTEP User 4.0 for Mach and OPENSTEP 4.0 for Windows are currently shipping.

OPENSTEP Developer 4.0 for Mach comprises NeXT's industry-proven development tools available on NEXTSTEP, ported to the OPENSTEP standard. OPENSTEP Developer for Mach tools have been improved to better support the development of OPENSTEP applications. For example, Project Builder (the application that manages software projects and streamlines the development process) integrates a project browser, a full featured code editor, language-savvy symbol recognition, sophisticated project search capabilities, header file and document access, build and debugging support, and a host of other features. With Interface Builder (NeXT's graphical development tool) developers can connect graphical and non-graphical objects together, whether they are OPENSTEP pre-built objects or custom business objects.

Applications developed with OPENSTEP Developer for Mach can be easily deployed on Windows NT, Solaris, HP/UX and Mach.

OPENSTEP User 4.0 for Mach combines the OPENSTEP object frameworks and NeXT's own operating system, Mach. It contains all of the same features available in NEXTSTEP User 3.3 including a workspace manager, a mail application, NetInfo (a network management tool), Display Postscript, and international support. New additional features include Samba, PPP, Perl5 and Taylor UUCP support. In addition to implementing the OPENSTEP specification, the product offers improved performance support for distributed objects, object messaging and improved memory management. These improvements are coupled with cleaner, simpler API conventions which improve programmer productivity.

With OPENSTEP 4.0 for Windows, customers can deploy OPENSTEP-compliant applications on Windows NT. Developers simply recompile and link their source code, and the application becomes a first rate Windows application--sporting the Windows 95 look and feel.

OPENSTEP Developer for Windows is currently shipping as a widely available beta release. NeXT's proven development environment will soon be shipping on Windows NT. With OPENSTEP Developer for Windows, corporate developers can build business critical applications on Windows NT and deploy them across heterogeneous environments.

Also shipping are three products that complete the OPENSTEP offering for the development of dynamic multi-tier applications: EOF 1.2, PDO 4.0 and D'OLE 4.0.

Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF) provides integration of business objects with relational databases like Oracle, Sybase, and Informix.

Portable Distributed Objects (PDO) allows the deployment of server-based business objects on Solaris and HP/UX. Objects communicate transparently with each other using a powerful transparent distribution mechanism. With the PDO 4.0 release, developers gain enhanced frameworks support; adherence to the OPENSTEP standard; improved performance in distributed object messaging and the ability to "plug in" different transport layers for object-to-object messaging.

D'OLE provides integration with OLE applications through OLE Automation. This makes it possible for departmental Windows-based applications to scale to the enterprise. In the D'OLE 4.0 release, developers gain OPENSTEP compliance, improved OLE/COM object to NeXT object messaging performance and enhanced frameworks support.

NeXT Software, Inc.

NeXT delivers an open development environment for building custom applications for both the World Wide Web and the Enterprise. NeXT's development software adds value to today's business by shortening the development cycle, working with an organization's existing technology, supporting current and emerging standards, and enabling organizations to grow and change with ease.

Providing its customers with a combination of award-winning software and professional services, NeXT delivers real-world solutions.

NeXT Software, Inc. is headquartered in Redwood City, California, and has offices in North America, London, Paris, Munich, and Tokyo. For more information please call 1-800-TRY-NeXT.

Trademark Info:

NeXT, the NeXT logo, NEXTSTEP, and OPENSTEP are trademarks or registered
trademarks of NeXT Software, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned
belong to their respective owners.

Last modified 97-01-10. Copyright 1997 NeXT Software, Inc. Proprietary Notices.